台北市排舞協會顧老師團隊上傳的舞曲---Superstar ,強烈節奏的
性說些粗話 嘿 嘿〉都能拋到九霄雲外,出出汗、喘口大氣 心情也
Line Dance Superstar
編舞者:Wil Bos & Roy Verdonk
舞 序:http://www.copperknob.co.uk/viewsheet.aspx?StepSheetID=80506
64 count - 4 wall – Medium Intermediate level line dance
Touch me, feel me – everywhere I lose control
Take me, kiss me – every time with heart and soul
Break me, kick me – you can knock me off my feet
Fool me, hurt me – your kisses taste so bittersweet
Be me, see me – treat me like a superstar
Push me, change me – wanting you is so bizarre
Read me, hear me, all my effort is not enough
Let me be your superstar
Before you break my heart
Let me be your superstar
You’re tearing me apart
Let me be your superstar
And make me lose control
Let me be your superstar
Cause now I want it all
Call me, date me – shoot me like a cannonball
Try me, lay me – crash me up against the wall
Love me, hate me – stronger than a shark attack
Thrill me, cry me – hide your fear behind my back
Find me, fear me – never leave me on my own
Chase me, stop me – make me shiver to the bone
Hug me, chill me, send my angels from up above
Come baby, come baby, love me, hate me
Shoot me like a cannonball, try me, lay me
Make me shiver to the bone don’t stop me
Come thrill me, just feel me so heal me, you’ll see
You know I want it all, how
I want it right here, right now, now