

Line  Dance      Bittersweet Memory




編舞者:Ria Vos (Nov 10)

  曲:Clouds by David Nail


       32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance


過了2星期悠哉打混的日子,工作又要進入忙碌的階段了,有朋友質疑我有上班嗎?是的!我不得不上班,也喜歡工作,要我每天待在家裏  會發瘋 嘻嘻,日常生活懶懶散散無傷大雅,工作就不行了,要繃緊神經,任何環節出小差錯,善後工作可會變成大麻煩,

說一堆廢話幹嘛?我就是多嘴才會老闖禍,是要告訴你,我今天選這首歌的心境,只想聽著輕輕柔柔的音樂,最好還可以看見天空朵朵浮雲飄過,甚麼都不多想 多愜意 對吧?



舞曲名稱 Bittersweet Memory  苦樂參半的回憶,如何 + ?細細品













Well, the turn signal's clicking
And the seconds are slipping away
Just a little bit more of this turnpike
And so much to say

The airport traffic, it slows us to a still
I turn the radio down
And leave one hand on the wheel

Well I don't know what to tell you
What do you wanna hear
You see, guys like me, we just disappear

You deserve someone who will never leave
But, girl, the last few days are the best we'll ever be

Isn't every goodbye a chance to become
A bittersweet memory for someone
Don't you ever look back with regret
Share with me a moment for all time
In a corner of your mind

If you've never seen New England in the fall
Should you find yourself up there, give me a call
But before I make my way into the crowd
Could I share one last kiss while we're still in the clouds

Isn't every goodbye a chance to become
A bittersweet memory for someone
Don't you ever look back with regret
Share with me a moment for all time
In a corner of your mind

Isn't every goodbye a chance to become
A bittersweet memory for someone
Don't you ever look back with regret
Share with me a moment for all time
In a corner of your mind

In a corner of your mind

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